Application for Certificate of Eligibility
Status of Residence:

Research Research
Overview by Immigration Services Agency

Activities that involve conducting research based on contracts with public and private institutions in Japan (excluding activities listed in the professor section of Table 1 of Appended Table 1 of the Immigration Control Act).
Examples include researchers at government-affiliated organizations and private companies.

Period of Stay

5 years, 3 years, 1 year or 3 months

Documents to be submitted
  • P0001:Photo 1 leaf Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit in jpg format (maximum size: 50Kb).
    • If the applicant is under 16 years of age, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0020:A copy of the quarterly report or a document certifying that it is listed on a Japanese stock exchange (copy)(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0021,P0022,P0023.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1, this document will be required.
  • P0021:Document (copy) certifying that permission for establishment has been received from the competent government agency(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0022,P0023.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1, this document will be required.
  • P0022:Documents certifying that the company is a target company (innovation-creating company) in the special addition column (a) or (b) of the table in each item of Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Ministerial Ordinance for Highly Skilled Professionals (for example, a subsidy grant decision notification) copy)(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0021,P0023.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1, this document will be required.
  • P0023:Documents certifying that the company is a company that meets certain conditions (e.g., a copy of a certificate, etc.)(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0021,P0022.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1, this document will be required.
  • P0024:Statutory records such as withholding tax slips for employee salary income for the previous year (copy with reception stamp)(Prepared by Organization)
    • If the institution falls under Category 2, please submit either this document or P0025.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2,3, this document will be required.
  • P0025:Documents certifying that the application for use of the online residence application system has been approved (email notification of approval regarding the application for use, etc.)(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0024.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will be required.
  • P0003:1 document clarifying the details of the applicant's activities at the place of dispatch (notification of working conditions (employment contract), etc.)(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit this if the applicant is a dispatchee.
  • P0004:One document specifying the working conditions issued to the worker based on Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 5 of the Enforcement Regulations of the same Act.(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this when concluding an employment contract.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0005:One copy of the articles of incorporation that stipulate remuneration for directors or the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders that resolved remuneration for directors (for companies with a remuneration committee, the minutes of the committee)(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this form if the applicant wishes to become an officer of a company that is a Japanese corporation.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0006:One document from the organization to which the organization belongs, clarifying the position (work in charge), period, and amount of remuneration to be paid.(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this form when transferring to a Japanese branch of a foreign corporation or when assuming the position of an officer of an organization other than a company.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0125:One copy of a resume specifying the organization in which you have engaged in related work, as well as the content and period of your activities.(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit as a document proving the applicant's educational background, work history, and other career history.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0126:One copy of a graduation certificate from a university, etc., a document certifying that you have received an equivalent or higher level of education, or a document certifying that you have been granted the title of highly-skilled professional.(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit as a document proving the applicant's educational background, work history, and other career history. Please submit either this document or P0127.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • If the person is not transferred (and had continued the job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
  • P0127:One document proving the period of research experience (including the period of research at graduate school or university)(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit as a document proving the applicant's educational background, work history, and other career history. Please submit either this document or P0126.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • If the person is not transferred (and had continued the job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
  • P0128:The foreign institution where the applicant worked immediately before transfer, clearly indicating the content of work, position, and remuneration engaged in in the past year (if the applicant had a period of stay in Japan with research residence status within one year immediately before transfer) (includes the Japanese institution where you worked during the relevant period).(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit as a document proving the applicant's educational background, work history, and other career history.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • In the case of a transfer (and the person had been in the relevant job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
  • P0129:In case of transfer within the same corporation, 1 document proving that the foreign corporation has a business office in Japan, such as a certificate of registration of the branch of the foreign corporation(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this document as a document showing the relationship between the office you worked at before the transfer and the office after the transfer.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • If the person is not transferred (and had continued the job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
    • In case of transfer within the same corporation, this document will be required.
  • P0130:In the case of secondment to a Japanese corporation 1 document clarifying the investment relationship between the Japanese corporation and the foreign corporation that is being seconded(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this document as a document showing the relationship between the office you worked at before the transfer and the office after the transfer.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • If the person is not transferred (and had continued the job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
    • In the case of secondment to a Japanese corporation, this document will be required.
  • P0129:In case of transfer within the same corporation, 1 document proving that the foreign corporation has a business office in Japan, such as a certificate of registration of the branch of the foreign corporation(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this document as a document showing the relationship between the office you worked at before the transfer and the office after the transfer.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • In the case of a transfer (and the person had been in the relevant job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
    • In the case of secondment to a foreign corporation that has a business office in Japan, this document will be required.
  • P0130:In the case of secondment to a Japanese corporation 1 document clarifying the investment relationship between the Japanese corporation and the foreign corporation that is being seconded(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this document as a document showing the relationship between the office you worked at before the transfer and the office after the transfer.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
    • In the case of a transfer (and the person had been in the relevant job for more than one year immediately before), this document will be required.
    • In the case of secondment to a foreign corporation that has a business office in Japan, this document will be required.
  • P0012:One guidebook containing detailed information on the company's history, officers, organization, business details (including major business partners and transaction results), etc.(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0013.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0013:One document similar to P0012 above prepared by other workplaces, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit either this document or P0012.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0014:A copy of the financial statements for the most recent year. In the case of a new business, one business plan(Prepared by Organization)
    • For Category 3, please submit only if you are transferring and will be engaged in research work.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0015:1 copy of exemption certificate for foreign corporation's withholding tax or other documents that clarify that withholding tax is not required(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this form if the institution is exempt from being a foreign corporation.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2,3, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0016:1 copy of the notification form for opening a payroll office, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
    • Please submit this form if the institution is not exempted from being a foreign corporation.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2,3, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0017:1 copy of income tax collection statement for employment income, retirement income, etc. for the most recent three months (copy of receipt date stamped)(Prepared by Organization)
    • If the institution does not have the foreign corporation exemption, please submit either this document or P0018.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2,3, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0018:If you have received a special delivery date, one document that certifies that you have received such approval.(Prepared by Organization)
    • If the institution does not have the foreign corporation exemption, please submit either this document or P0017.
    • If the organization belongs to Category 1,2,3, this document will NOT be required.

When our office apply on behalf of foreign national, we will interview him/her with the following questions.

  • Have you never been punished for a crime outside of Japan?
  • Have you ever left Japan due to deportation or departure order?