Application for change of status of residence
Status of Residence:
Specified Skilled Worker

Specified Skilled Worker Specified Skilled Worker
Overview by Immigration Services Agency

Those who can work in Japan as a SSW must be over 18 years old in a good health, have the necessary occupational skills and Japanese language ability to work immediately without receiving any particular training. Skills and Japanese proficiency will be confirmed by a unified test conducted by Japan. In principle, you can work for up to 5 years in total, but you cannot bring your family. In addition, the major difference from other status of residence to work in Japan is a support system. You can receive a wide range of support for life and work from your employer while you are in Japan, from the time you arrive to leave for your home country.
There is another program called "Technical Intern Training", which aims toward providing international contributions by having workers share skills and knowledge that they acquired through on-the-job training in Japan throughout their home country after returning. Those who have satisfactory completed Technical Intern Training are able to switch their status of residence to SSW in the same field without taking occupational skill exams and Japanese proficiency tests.

Period of Stay

Specified Skilled Worker No. 1
Renewal every 1 year, 6 months, or 4 months, up to a total of 5 years
Specified Skilled Worker No. 2
Renewal every 3 years, 1 year, or 6 months, without limit

Documents to be submitted
  • P0001:Photo 1 leaf Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit in jpg format (maximum size: 50Kb).
    • If the applicant is under 16 years of age, this document will NOT be required.
  • Specific Skilled Worker 1
  • P0488:“Change” No. 1 Table 1 (List of documents submitted by applicant) (including cover page) Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
    • P0286:Explanation regarding remuneration for specified skilled foreigners
      (Note) If remuneration is determined based on wage regulations, attach wage regulations. Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
      • In the case of an institution that has a certain track record and is expected to accept applicants appropriately, this document will NOT be required.
    • P0287:Copy of specific skill employment contract Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
      • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
    • P0288:Copy of employment terms and conditions (Note) If an annual flexible working hour system is adopted, the following should also be attached
      ・Copy of the annual calendar written in a language that the applicant can fully understand
      ・Copy of agreement regarding variable working hours system on an annual basis Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
      • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
    • P0289:payment of wages Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
      • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
    • P0290:Explanation regarding employment history
      (Note) If there is a person who will mediate the establishment of an employment contract, please attach a printout of the screen of the "Comprehensive human resources service site" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Employment Security Bureau homepage) regarding the employment agency. Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
      • P0291:Explanation of collection fees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
        • If rent is to be collected from the applicant, relevant documents must be submitted. (See notes on reference form)
        • In the case of an institution that has a certain track record and is expected to accept applicants appropriately, this document will NOT be required.
      • P0292:Health check individual form Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
        • *The hospital issued form may be used, but the consultation items must include those listed in the reference form. Additionally, if it is written in a foreign language, a Japanese translation must be attached.
      • P0293:Patient declaration form Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
        • P0294:Documents related to procedures to be complied with in bilateral agreements Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
          • For only certain nationalities, this document will be required.
        • P0295:No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
          • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
        • P0296:Explanation regarding support contract with registered support organization Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
          • When entrusting the entire implementation of the support plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
        • P0425:(1) Applicant's personal residence tax taxation certificate
          (Note) Must be for the most recent year *Must include one year's total income, tax amount, and tax payment amount(Prepared by Applicant)
          • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
        • P0426:(2) Applicant's resident tax payment certificate
          (Note) A certificate from the most recent year in which all due dates have passed is required. Please note that it may not be the same year as the tax certificate, so be careful when issuing the certificate *It must contain the total income, tax amount, and tax amount for one year.(Prepared by Applicant)
          • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
        • P0427:(3) Copy of the applicantx's employment income tax withholding slip
          (Note) for the year that corresponds to the content certified in (1)(Prepared by Applicant)
          • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
        • P0428:Copy of the applicant's National Health Insurance card
          (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Applicant)
          • If you have received a deferral of payment or cash value, but there is no mention of this on your National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate, you will need to submit a copy of the relevant notification.
          • If the applicant is insured by National Health Insurance at the time of application, this document will be required.
          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
        • P0429:Applicant's National Health Insurance Premium (Tax) Payment Certificate
          (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.
          (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Applicant)
          • If you have received a deferral of payment or cash value, but there is no mention of this on your National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate, you will need to submit a copy of the relevant notification.
          • If the applicant is insured by National Health Insurance at the time of application, this document will be required.
          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
        • P0430:Copy of the applicant's National Pension Insurance premium receipt
          (Note 1) 24 months from the month before the month in which the application date falls is required
          (Note 2) The basic pension number must be masked by the applicant. (blacked out).(Prepared by Applicant)
        • P0431:Inquiry about the applicant's insured person record (Payment II) (Includes the insured person record inquiry answer sheet.) (Note) The basic pension number must be masked (blacked out) by the applicant.(Prepared by Applicant)
        • P0432:Documents related to public obligations that should have been fulfilled at the time of the previous application(Prepared by Applicant)
          • Please submit the tax payment certificate and a copy of the notification regarding the application of tax relief measures that should have been submitted at the time of the previous application .
        • P0433:Written oath regarding performance of official duties Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
          • If the applicant is in arrears with any of your tax payments, national health insurance, or national pension., this document will be required.
        • P0020:A copy of the quarterly report or a document certifying that it is listed on a Japanese stock exchange (copy)(Prepared by Organization)
          • Please submit either this document or P0022,P0023,P0024.
        • P0022:Documents certifying that the company is a target company (innovation-creating company) in the special addition column (a) or (b) of the table in each item of Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Ministerial Ordinance for Highly Skilled Professionals (for example, a subsidy grant decision notification) copy)(Prepared by Organization)
          • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0023,P0024.
        • P0023:Documents certifying that the company is a company that meets certain conditions (e.g., a copy of a certificate, etc.)(Prepared by Organization)
          • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0022,P0024.
        • P0024:Statutory records such as withholding tax slips for employee salary income for the previous year (copy with reception stamp)(Prepared by Organization)
          • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0022,P0023.
        • P0297:Written oath regarding omission of documents Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0298:Specific skill affiliated organization summary Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0299:Resume of support manager (reference form No. 1-20) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0300:Resume of support person (reference form No. 1-22) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0260:Certificate of registered matters(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0301:Copy of resident record of executive officer involved in business execution
            (Note) Limited to those that do not include My Number but permanent domicile.(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0302:Written oath regarding officers of specified skill organizations
            (Note) Only if there are officers who are not involved in business execution related to the acceptance of specified skill foreigners. Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
            • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
            • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
            • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
            • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0306:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls
            *If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion and there is no statement to that effect on the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of permission for grace of payment or the notification of permission of grace of conversion.(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0307:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office (Part 3)
            (Note 1) Tax items are “① Withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction” “② Corporate tax” “③ Consumption tax and local consumption tax”
            (Note 2) ① "Withholding income tax' instead of "self-assessed income tax'
            *If you are eligible for tax deferment or payment entrustment, please submit a tax payment certificate that states that this is applicable and information on the tax items for which you are unpaid. Submission of tax payment certificate (part 1) is required(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0308:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
            (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
            • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0309:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
            • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
            • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
          • P0298:Specific skill affiliated organization summary Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0299:Resume of support manager (reference form No. 1-20) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0300:Resume of support person (reference form No. 1-22) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0311:Copy of residence card of sole proprietor
            (Note) Only those that do not have My Number written on them but have registered domicile.(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
            • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
            • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
            • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
            • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0312:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
            (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls (Prepared by Organization)
            • If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion, but there is no mention of this in the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, you will need to submit a copy of the Notice of Permission for Postponement.
            • For businesses covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0313:Copy of National Health Insurance card of individual business owner
            (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0314:National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate for a sole proprietor
            (Note 1) If accepting for the first time, the most recent year's worth is required; if currently accepting, the most recent two years' worth is required
            (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If you have received a deferral of payment or cash value, but there is no mention of this on your National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate, you will need to submit a copy of the relevant notification.
            • If the business is not covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0315:Copy of National Pension Insurance Premium Receipt Certificate of Individual Business Operator or Insured Person Record Inquiry (Payment II) (Insured Person Record Inquiry Response Sheet) 24 months worth is required.
            (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the basic pension number.(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0316:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office for a sole proprietor (part 3)(Note)
            Tax items are “① withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “② self-assessed income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “③ consumption tax and local consumption tax,” “④ inheritance tax,” and “⑤ gift tax.”(Prepared by Organization)
          • P0317:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
            (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
            • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0318:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
            • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
            • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
          • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
            • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
          • Nursing Care
          • P0319:Copy of graduation certificate from nursing care worker training facility(Prepared by Applicant)
          • P0320:Copy of the latest nursing care worker national examination result notification(Prepared by Applicant)
          • P0321:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical skill test for the Nursing Care Skills Intern Training Evaluation Test (Professional Level)(Prepared by Applicant)
            • Please submit either this document or P0322. Technical training for occupations and tasks that are exempt from the examination for the desired job category is nursing care occupations and nursing care work.
            • C) If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
            • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
          • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Organization)
            • Please submit either this document or P0321. Technical training for occupations and tasks that are exempt from the examination for the desired job category is nursing care occupations and nursing care work.
            • C) If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
            • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
          • P0323:A copy of the certificate of passing the Nursing Skills Evaluation Examination(Prepared by Applicant)
            • D) If the applicant does not fall under any of the above A to C, this document will be required.
          • P0324:Copy of certificate of passing the Nursing Care Japanese Evaluation Test(Prepared by Applicant)
            • D) If the applicant does not fall under any of the above A to C, this document will be required.
          • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
            • Please submit either this document or P0326.
            • D) If the applicant does not fall under any of the above A to C, this document will be required.
            • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
          • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
            • Please submit either this document or P0325.
            • D) If the applicant does not fall under any of the above A to C, this document will be required.
            • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
          • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
            • D) If the applicant does not fall under any of the above A to C, this document will be required.
            • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
          • P0328:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the nursing care field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
            • P0329:Overview of a business office that conducts work in the nursing care field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
              • P0330:Certificate of membership in the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Nursing Care Field established by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare(Prepared by Organization)
                • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
              • Building Cleaning
              • P0331:A copy of the certificate of passing the building cleaning skill test (grade 3)(Prepared by Applicant)
                • Please submit either this document or P0322.
                • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
              • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                • Please submit either this document or P0331.
                • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
              • P0338:A copy of the certificate of passing of the building cleaning field specific skill No. 1 evaluation test(Prepared by Applicant)
                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
              • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
              • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
              • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
              • P0332:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the building cleaning field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                • P0333:Building cleaning business registration certificate(Prepared by Organization)
                • P0334:Building environmental sanitation comprehensive management business registration certificate(Prepared by Organization)
                • P0335:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Building Cleaning Field established by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare(Prepared by Organization)
                  • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                • Materials, industrial machinery, electrical and electronic information related manufacturing
                • P0336:A copy of the certificate of passing the 3rd grade practical skill test(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • Please submit either this document or P0337,P0322.
                  • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                  • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                • P0337:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical skill test for the technical intern training evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0322.
                  • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                  • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0337.
                  • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                  • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                • P0339:A copy of the certificate of passing the Manufacturing Field Specified Skills No. 1 Evaluation Test *Limited to the certificate according to the desired job classification.(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                  • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                  • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                  • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                  • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                  • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                  • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                • P0340:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the manufacturing industry related to materials, industrial machinery, and electrical/electronic information related industries Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                  • P0341:Certificate of membership in the Consultation and Liaison Committee for Accepting Foreign Human Resources with Specific Skills in the Manufacturing Industry, organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.(Prepared by Organization)
                    • Construction
                    • P0336:A copy of the certificate of passing the 3rd grade practical skill test(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0337,P0322.
                      • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                    • P0337:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical skill test for the technical intern training evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0322.
                      • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                    • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0337.
                      • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                    • P0339:A copy of the certificate of passing the Manufacturing Field Specified Skills No. 1 Evaluation Test *Limited to the certificate according to the desired job classification.(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                    • P0342:A copy of the certificate of passing of the construction sector specific skill No. 1 evaluation test according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0343.
                      • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                    • P0343:A copy of the certificate of passing the 3rd grade skill test according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0342.
                      • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                    • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                      • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                    • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                      • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                    • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                      • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                    • P0344:Copy of certificate of construction specific skill acceptance plan(Prepared by Organization)
                      • It will need to go through the necessary procedures with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Regional Development Bureau before applying.
                    • P0345:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the construction field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                      • Shipbuilding/marine industry
                      • P0336:A copy of the certificate of passing the 3rd grade practical skill test(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0337,P0322.
                        • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                      • P0337:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical skill test for the technical intern training evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0322.
                        • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                      • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0337.
                        • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                      • P0346:A copy of the certificate of passing of the specific skill No. 1 examination in the shipbuilding/marine industry field according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0343.
                        • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • P0343:A copy of the certificate of passing the 3rd grade skill test according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0346.
                        • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                      • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                        • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                      • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                        • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                      • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                        • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                      • P0347:Confirmation letter for shipbuilding/marine industry business operator(Prepared by Organization)
                      • P0348:Pledge regarding the acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the shipbuilding and marine industry field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                        • P0349:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreign Personnel in the Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(Prepared by Organization)
                          • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                        • P0350:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the shipbuilding and marine industry field (registered support organization) Reference
                          • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                        • P0351:Certificate of membership in the Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Field Council (registered support organization)
                          • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                          • In the shipbuilding/marine industry field, if more than 4 months have passed since the first support was started after being commissioned to implement the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan, this document will be required.
                        • Car maintenance
                        • P0352:A copy of the certificate of passing the foreign automobile maintenance technical intern training evaluation test (professional level) or the notification of the results of the practical skill test.(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • Please submit either this document or P0322.
                          • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                        • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • Please submit either this document or P0352.
                          • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                        • P0353:A copy of the certificate of passing of the automobile maintenance field specific skill No. 1 evaluation test(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • Please submit either this document or P0354.
                          • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • P0354:Copy of certificate of passing the 3rd grade automobile mechanic skill test(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • Please submit either this document or P0353.
                          • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                        • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                          • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                        • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                          • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                        • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                          • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                        • P0355:Pledge regarding the acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the automobile maintenance field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                          • P0356:Certificate to obtain membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Automobile Maintenance Field(Prepared by Organization)
                            • When accepting specific skilled foreigners for the first time in the automobile maintenance field, this document will be required.
                          • P0357:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Automobile Maintenance Field(Prepared by Organization)
                            • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                          • P0358:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the automobile maintenance field (registered support organization) Reference
                            • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                          • P0359:Certificate to obtain membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Automobile Maintenance Field (Registered Support Organization)
                            • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                            • When being entrusted with the implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Foreigner Support Plan in the automobile maintenance field for the first time, this document will be required.
                          • P0360:Certificate of membership of a council related to the automobile maintenance field (registered support organization)
                            • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                            • If it has been more than 4 months since the start of providing support with being entrusted with the implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan, this document will be required.
                          • P0361:A copy of the certificate of passing the Automotive Mechanic Skills Test Level 1 or 2
                            • Please submit either this document or _proofs_ for those who support foreign nationals (persons who support foreign nationals, such as support managers and support personnel). If you have a different person than the person who has already been submitted in your past residence application, you will need to submit it.
                            • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                          • P0362:work experience certificate Reference
                            • Please submit either this document or _proofs_ for those who support foreign nationals (persons who support foreign nationals, such as support managers and support personnel). If you have a different person than the person who has already been submitted in your past residence application, you will need to submit it.
                            • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                          • Aviation
                          • P0363:Copy of certificate of passing of Airport Ground Handling Skills Intern Training Evaluation Examination (Professional Level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • Please submit either this document or P0322.
                            • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                          • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • Please submit either this document or P0363.
                            • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                          • P0364:A copy of the certificate of passing the Specified Skills No. 1 evaluation test (aviation field: airport ground handling)(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • Please submit either this document or P0365.
                            • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • P0365:A copy of the certificate of passing the specific skill No. 1 evaluation test (aviation field: aircraft maintenance)(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • Please submit either this document or P0364.
                            • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                          • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                            • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                          • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                            • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                          • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                            • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                          • P0366:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the aviation field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                            • P0367:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners Related to the Aviation Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(Prepared by Organization)
                              • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                            • P0368:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the aviation field (registration support organization) Reference
                              • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                            • P0369:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners Related to the Aviation Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Registered Support Organization)
                              • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                              • In the aviation field, if more than 4 months have passed since the start of support after being commissioned to implement the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan, this document will be required.
                            • Stay
                            • P0370:A copy of the certificate of passing the Accommodation Skills Intern Training Evaluation Examination (Professional Level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • Please submit either this document or P0322.
                              • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                            • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • Please submit either this document or P0370.
                              • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                            • P0371:A copy of the certificate of passing of the Accommodation field specific skill No. 1 evaluation test(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • Please submit either this document or P0365.
                              • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • P0365:A copy of the certificate of passing the specific skill No. 1 evaluation test (aviation field: aircraft maintenance)(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • Please submit either this document or P0364.
                              • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                            • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                              • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                            • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                              • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                            • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                              • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                            • P0372:Copy of inn business license (inn/hotel business license)(Prepared by Organization)
                            • P0373:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the accommodation field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                              • P0374:Certificate of being a member of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Accommodation Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (specific skill affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                              • P0375:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the accommodation field (registered support organization) Reference
                                • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                              • P0376:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Accommodation Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Registered Support Organization)
                                • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                • Regarding the accommodation field, if 4 months or more have passed since the start of support after being entrusted with the implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan, this document will be required.
                              • Agriculture
                              • P0377:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical test for the agricultural skills evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • Please submit either this document or P0322.
                                • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                              • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • Please submit either this document or P0377.
                                • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                              • P0378:A copy of the certificate of passing the No. 1 Agricultural Skills Measurement Test (general cultivation agriculture)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • Please submit either this document or P0379.
                                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • P0379:A copy of the certificate of passing the No. 1 agricultural skill measurement test (general livestock farming)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • Please submit either this document or P0378.
                                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                              • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                              • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                              • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                                • If the applicant is not a successful completion of Technical Intern Training Level 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                              • P0380:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the agricultural field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                • In the case of dispatch form, this document will NOT be required.
                              • P0381:Certificate of being a member of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Agricultural Field established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (specific skill affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                              • P0382:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the agricultural field (registered support organization) Reference
                                • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                              • In the case of dispatch form
                              • P0383:Documents that confirm that you are engaged in agriculture or agriculture-related business
                                Examples: Articles of incorporation, registration certificate, securities report, farming certificate, cultivation certificate, slips related to shipment of agricultural and livestock products, etc. Copy of delivery note, financial documents, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                              • P0384:Documents clarifying capital investors
                                Example) Securities report, copy of shareholder list, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                              • P0385:Documents that can confirm that a local government employee is registered as an officer
                                Example) List of officers, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                              • P0386:Documents that confirm that you are substantially involved in business execution
                                Example; Business method manual, organizational structure chart, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                              • P0387:Copy of specific organization standards conformity notification(Prepared by Organization)
                                • Please submit any of the materials from A to E depending on the requirements of the dispatching agency. Please submit either this document or P0388.
                                • E) If the dispatch source is a specific organization stipulated in the National Strategic Special Zones Act, this document will be required.
                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(4)
                              • P0388:Documents that confirm that foreign agricultural support personnel have been properly dispatched
                                Examples: Copy of dispatch contract, copy of result report of on-site guidance/audit, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                • Please submit any of the materials from A to E depending on the requirements of the dispatching agency. Please submit either this document or P0387.
                                • E) If the dispatch source is a specific organization stipulated in the National Strategic Special Zones Act, this document will be required.
                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(4)
                              • P0389:Written oath pertaining to an organization affiliated with specified skills that accepts specified skilled foreigners in the agricultural field in the form of dispatch Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                • You will need the information from the dispatcher.
                              • P0390:Copy of worker dispatch business license(Prepared by Organization)
                              • P0391:Dispatch plan Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                • P0392:Copy of worker dispatch contract(Prepared by Organization)
                                  • P0393:Copy of employment conditions statement Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                    • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a corporation
                                    • P0394:Overview of dispatch destination (agricultural field) (Note) If accepting in the agricultural field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                      • P0395:Dispatch company operator oath Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • You will need the information from the destination.
                                      • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                        • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                      • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                        (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                        • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                      • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                        (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                        • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                      • P0306:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls
                                        *If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion and there is no statement to that effect on the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of permission for grace of payment or the notification of permission of grace of conversion.(Prepared by Organization)
                                      • P0307:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office (Part 3)
                                        (Note 1) Tax items are “① Withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction” “② Corporate tax” “③ Consumption tax and local consumption tax”
                                        (Note 2) ① "Withholding income tax' instead of "self-assessed income tax'
                                        *If you are eligible for tax deferment or payment entrustment, please submit a tax payment certificate that states that this is applicable and information on the tax items for which you are unpaid. Submission of tax payment certificate (part 1) is required(Prepared by Organization)
                                      • P0308:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                        (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                        • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                      • P0309:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                        (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                        • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                      • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                      • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a sole proprietor
                                      • P0394:Overview of dispatch destination (agricultural field) (Note) If accepting in the agricultural field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0395:Dispatch company operator oath Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • You will need the information from the destination.
                                        • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                          • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                        • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                          (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                          • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                        • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                          (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                          • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                        • P0312:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
                                          (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls (Prepared by Organization)
                                          • If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion, but there is no mention of this in the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, you will need to submit a copy of the Notice of Permission for Postponement.
                                          • For businesses covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                        • P0313:Copy of National Health Insurance card of individual business owner
                                          (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0314:National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate for a sole proprietor
                                          (Note 1) If accepting for the first time, the most recent year's worth is required; if currently accepting, the most recent two years' worth is required
                                          (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0315:Copy of National Pension Insurance Premium Receipt Certificate of Individual Business Operator or Insured Person Record Inquiry (Payment II) (Insured Person Record Inquiry Response Sheet) 24 months worth is required.
                                          (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the basic pension number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0316:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office for a sole proprietor (part 3)(Note)
                                          Tax items are “① withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “② self-assessed income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “③ consumption tax and local consumption tax,” “④ inheritance tax,” and “⑤ gift tax.”(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0317:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                          (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                          • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                        • P0318:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                          (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                          • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                        • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                        • Fishery
                                        • P0396:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical test for fishing boat fishing skills evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Please submit either this document or P0397,P0322.
                                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                          • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                        • P0397:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical test for the aquaculture skills evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Please submit either this document or P0396,P0322.
                                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                          • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                        • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Please submit either this document or P0396,P0397.
                                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                          • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                          • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                        • P0398:A copy of the certificate of passing the No. 1 Fishery Skills Measurement Test (Fishing)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Depending on the business category, please submit either this document or P0399.
                                          • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                        • P0399:A copy of the certificate of passing the No. 1 Fishery Skills Test (Aquaculture)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Depending on the business category, please submit either this document or P0398.
                                          • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                        • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                                          • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                                        • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                                          • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                                        • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                                          • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                          • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                        • P0400:Copy of permit(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0401:Copy of license directive(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0402:A copy of any other official document that confirms that you are engaged in fishing or aquaculture with a permit or license.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0403:A copy of a document issued by the association that confirms that the association engages in fishing or aquaculture as part of its fishing rights.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0404:A copy of other documents that confirm that you belong to the association and engage in fishing or aquaculture.(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0405:Copy of fishing boat record(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0406:Copy of fishing boat registration card(Prepared by Organization)
                                        • P0407:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the fishing field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • P0408:Certificate of being a member of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Fisheries Field established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (specific skill affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                            • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                          • P0409:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the fishing field (registered support organization) Reference
                                            • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                          • In the case of dispatch form
                                          • P0410:Documents that confirm that you are engaged in fishing or fishing-related business
                                            Examples: Articles of incorporation, certificate of registered matters, securities report, financial statements, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • P0384:Documents clarifying capital investors
                                            Example) Securities report, copy of shareholder list, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • P0385:Documents that can confirm that a local government employee is registered as an officer
                                            Example) List of officers, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • P0386:Documents that confirm that you are substantially involved in business execution
                                            Example; Business method manual, organizational structure chart, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • P0390:Copy of worker dispatch business license(Prepared by Organization)
                                          • P0391:Dispatch plan Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                            • P0392:Copy of worker dispatch contract(Prepared by Organization)
                                              • P0393:Copy of employment conditions statement Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a corporation
                                                • P0411:Overview of dispatch destination (fisheries field)
                                                  (Note) If accepting in the fisheries field(Prepared by Organization)
                                                  • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                    • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                    • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                  • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                    (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                    • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                    • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                  • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                    (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                    • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                    • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                  • P0306:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls
                                                    *If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion and there is no statement to that effect on the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of permission for grace of payment or the notification of permission of grace of conversion.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                  • P0307:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office (Part 3)
                                                    (Note 1) Tax items are “① Withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction” “② Corporate tax” “③ Consumption tax and local consumption tax”
                                                    (Note 2) ① "Withholding income tax' instead of "self-assessed income tax'
                                                    *If you are eligible for tax deferment or payment entrustment, please submit a tax payment certificate that states that this is applicable and information on the tax items for which you are unpaid. Submission of tax payment certificate (part 1) is required(Prepared by Organization)
                                                  • P0308:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                    (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                    • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                    • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                  • P0309:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                    (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                    • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                    • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                  • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                  • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a sole proprietor
                                                  • P0411:Overview of dispatch destination (fisheries field)
                                                    (Note) If accepting in the fisheries field(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                      • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                    • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                      (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                      • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                    • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                      (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                      • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                    • P0312:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
                                                      (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls (Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion, but there is no mention of this in the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, you will need to submit a copy of the Notice of Permission for Postponement.
                                                      • For businesses covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                    • P0313:Copy of National Health Insurance card of individual business owner
                                                      (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • P0314:National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate for a sole proprietor
                                                      (Note 1) If accepting for the first time, the most recent year's worth is required; if currently accepting, the most recent two years' worth is required
                                                      (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • P0315:Copy of National Pension Insurance Premium Receipt Certificate of Individual Business Operator or Insured Person Record Inquiry (Payment II) (Insured Person Record Inquiry Response Sheet) 24 months worth is required.
                                                      (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the basic pension number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • P0316:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office for a sole proprietor (part 3)(Note)
                                                      Tax items are “① withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “② self-assessed income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “③ consumption tax and local consumption tax,” “④ inheritance tax,” and “⑤ gift tax.”(Prepared by Organization)
                                                    • P0317:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                      (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                      • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                    • P0318:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                      (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                      • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                    • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                    • Food and beverage manufacturing industry
                                                    • P0336:A copy of the certificate of passing the 3rd grade practical skill test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • Please submit either this document or P0337,P0322.
                                                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                    • P0337:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical skill test for the technical intern training evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0322.
                                                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                    • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • Please submit either this document or P0336,P0337.
                                                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                      • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                    • P0412:A copy of the certificate of passing of the food and beverage manufacturing industry specific skill No. 1 skill measurement test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                    • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                                                      • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                                                    • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                                                      • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                                                    • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                      • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                    • P0413:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the food and beverage manufacturing industry (specified skilled worker affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • P0414:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, which is comprised of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, related industry (Prepared by Organization)
                                                        • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                      • P0415:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the food and beverage manufacturing industry (registered support organization) Reference
                                                        • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                                      • P0416:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, which is comprised of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, related industry organizations, registered support organizations, and other related parties (registered support organization)
                                                        • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                                        • In the food and beverage manufacturing industry, if more than 4 months have passed since the start of support after being commissioned to implement the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan, this document will be required.
                                                      • Food and beverage industry
                                                      • P0417:A copy of the certificate of passing the practical skill test for the medical/welfare facility catering manufacturing skill training evaluation test (professional level)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                        • Technical training for occupations and tasks that are exempt from the test for the desired job category are medical/welfare facility meal production occupations/medical/welfare facility lunch production work.
                                                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                      • P0322:Evaluation record regarding technical intern trainees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                        • Technical training for occupations and tasks that are exempt from the test for the desired job category are medical/welfare facility meal production occupations/medical/welfare facility lunch production work.
                                                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                      • P0418:Copy of certificate of passing of the foodservice industry specific skill No. 1 skill measurement test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                        • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • P0325:A copy of the certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N4 or higher)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                        • Please submit either this document or P0326.
                                                        • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                                                      • P0326:Copy of the certificate of passing of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Basic Test (determination result notification)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                        • Please submit either this document or P0325.
                                                        • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will NOT be required.
                                                      • P0327:Documents certifying that you have successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                        • If the person does not successfully complete Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                        • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                      • P0419:Copy of business license or notification form from the health center director(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • P0420:Statement of reasons for different addressees(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • P0421:A copy of the contract regarding food and beverage service operations at the business establishment with the person who owns or manages the property where the specified skilled foreigner will engage in work.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                      • P0422:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the restaurant industry (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                        • P0414:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, which is comprised of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, related industry (Prepared by Organization)
                                                          • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                        • P0423:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the restaurant industry (registered support organization) Reference
                                                          • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                                        • P0416:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, which is comprised of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, related industry organizations, registered support organizations, and other related parties (registered support organization)
                                                          • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                                          • In the food and beverage manufacturing industry, if more than 4 months have passed since the start of support after being commissioned to implement the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan, this document will be required.
                                                        • Specific Skilled Worker 2
                                                        • P0489:“Change” No. 2 Table 1 (List of documents submitted by applicant) (including cover page) Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                          • P0286:Explanation regarding remuneration for specified skilled foreigners
                                                            (Note) If remuneration is determined based on wage regulations, attach wage regulations. Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                            • In the case of an institution that has a certain track record and is expected to accept applicants appropriately, this document will NOT be required.
                                                          • P0287:Copy of specific skill employment contract Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                            • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
                                                          • P0288:Copy of employment terms and conditions (Note) If an annual flexible working hour system is adopted, the following should also be attached
                                                            ・Copy of the annual calendar written in a language that the applicant can fully understand
                                                            ・Copy of agreement regarding variable working hours system on an annual basis Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                            • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
                                                          • P0289:payment of wages Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                            • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
                                                          • P0290:Explanation regarding employment history
                                                            (Note) If there is a person who will mediate the establishment of an employment contract, please attach a printout of the screen of the "Comprehensive human resources service site" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Employment Security Bureau homepage) regarding the employment agency. Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                            • P0291:Explanation of collection fees Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                              • If rent is to be collected from the applicant, relevant documents must be submitted. (See notes on reference form)
                                                              • In the case of an institution that has a certain track record and is expected to accept applicants appropriately, this document will NOT be required.
                                                            • P0292:Health check individual form Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                              • *The hospital issued form may be used, but the consultation items must include those listed in the reference form. Additionally, if it is written in a foreign language, a Japanese translation must be attached.
                                                            • P0293:Patient declaration form Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                              • P0294:Documents related to procedures to be complied with in bilateral agreements Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • For only certain nationalities, this document will be required.
                                                              • P0295:No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • It must also be written in a language that the applicant can understand.
                                                              • P0296:Explanation regarding support contract with registered support organization Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • When entrusting the entire implementation of the support plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                                              • P0425:(1) Applicant's personal residence tax taxation certificate
                                                                (Note) Must be for the most recent year *Must include one year's total income, tax amount, and tax payment amount(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
                                                              • P0426:(2) Applicant's resident tax payment certificate
                                                                (Note) A certificate from the most recent year in which all due dates have passed is required. Please note that it may not be the same year as the tax certificate, so be careful when issuing the certificate *It must contain the total income, tax amount, and tax amount for one year.(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
                                                              • P0427:(3) Copy of the applicantx's employment income tax withholding slip
                                                                (Note) for the year that corresponds to the content certified in (1)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
                                                              • P0428:Copy of the applicant's National Health Insurance card
                                                                (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If you have received a deferral of payment or cash value, but there is no mention of this on your National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate, you will need to submit a copy of the relevant notification.
                                                                • If the applicant is insured by National Health Insurance at the time of application, this document will be required.
                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
                                                              • P0429:Applicant's National Health Insurance Premium (Tax) Payment Certificate
                                                                (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.
                                                                (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If you have received a deferral of payment or cash value, but there is no mention of this on your National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate, you will need to submit a copy of the relevant notification.
                                                                • If the applicant is insured by National Health Insurance at the time of application, this document will be required.
                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(2)
                                                              • P0430:Copy of the applicant's National Pension Insurance premium receipt
                                                                (Note 1) 24 months from the month before the month in which the application date falls is required
                                                                (Note 2) The basic pension number must be masked by the applicant. (blacked out).(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                              • P0431:Inquiry about the applicant's insured person record (Payment II) (Includes the insured person record inquiry answer sheet.) (Note) The basic pension number must be masked (blacked out) by the applicant.(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                              • P0432:Documents related to public obligations that should have been fulfilled at the time of the previous application(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • Please submit the tax payment certificate and a copy of the notification regarding the application of tax relief measures that should have been submitted at the time of the previous application .
                                                              • P0433:Written oath regarding performance of official duties Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If the applicant is in arrears with any of your tax payments, national health insurance, or national pension., this document will be required.
                                                              • P0434:Declaration regarding technology transfer Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                • If the applicant was engaged in technical intern training activities, this document will be required.
                                                              • P0020:A copy of the quarterly report or a document certifying that it is listed on a Japanese stock exchange (copy)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • Please submit either this document or P0022,P0023,P0024.
                                                              • P0022:Documents certifying that the company is a target company (innovation-creating company) in the special addition column (a) or (b) of the table in each item of Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Ministerial Ordinance for Highly Skilled Professionals (for example, a subsidy grant decision notification) copy)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0023,P0024.
                                                              • P0023:Documents certifying that the company is a company that meets certain conditions (e.g., a copy of a certificate, etc.)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0022,P0024.
                                                              • P0024:Statutory records such as withholding tax slips for employee salary income for the previous year (copy with reception stamp)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • Please submit either this document or P0020,P0022,P0023.
                                                              • P0297:Written oath regarding omission of documents Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0298:Specific skill affiliated organization summary Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0299:Resume of support manager (reference form No. 1-20) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0300:Resume of support person (reference form No. 1-22) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0260:Certificate of registered matters(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0301:Copy of resident record of executive officer involved in business execution
                                                                  (Note) Limited to those that do not include My Number but permanent domicile.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0302:Written oath regarding officers of specified skill organizations
                                                                  (Note) Only if there are officers who are not involved in business execution related to the acceptance of specified skill foreigners. Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                                  • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0306:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls
                                                                  *If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion and there is no statement to that effect on the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of permission for grace of payment or the notification of permission of grace of conversion.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0307:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office (Part 3)
                                                                  (Note 1) Tax items are “① Withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction” “② Corporate tax” “③ Consumption tax and local consumption tax”
                                                                  (Note 2) ① "Withholding income tax' instead of "self-assessed income tax'
                                                                  *If you are eligible for tax deferment or payment entrustment, please submit a tax payment certificate that states that this is applicable and information on the tax items for which you are unpaid. Submission of tax payment certificate (part 1) is required(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0308:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                                  (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                  • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0309:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                                • P0298:Specific skill affiliated organization summary Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0299:Resume of support manager (reference form No. 1-20) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0300:Resume of support person (reference form No. 1-22) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0311:Copy of residence card of sole proprietor
                                                                  (Note) Only those that do not have My Number written on them but have registered domicile.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                                  • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0312:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
                                                                  (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls (Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion, but there is no mention of this in the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, you will need to submit a copy of the Notice of Permission for Postponement.
                                                                  • For businesses covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0313:Copy of National Health Insurance card of individual business owner
                                                                  (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0314:National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate for a sole proprietor
                                                                  (Note 1) If accepting for the first time, the most recent year's worth is required; if currently accepting, the most recent two years' worth is required
                                                                  (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If you have received a deferral of payment or cash value, but there is no mention of this on your National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate, you will need to submit a copy of the relevant notification.
                                                                  • If the business is not covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0315:Copy of National Pension Insurance Premium Receipt Certificate of Individual Business Operator or Insured Person Record Inquiry (Payment II) (Insured Person Record Inquiry Response Sheet) 24 months worth is required.
                                                                  (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the basic pension number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0316:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office for a sole proprietor (part 3)(Note)
                                                                  Tax items are “① withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “② self-assessed income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “③ consumption tax and local consumption tax,” “④ inheritance tax,” and “⑤ gift tax.”(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                • P0317:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                                  (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                  • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0318:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                                • Building Cleaning
                                                                • P0435:A copy of the certificate of passing of the building cleaning field specific skill No. 2 evaluation test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                  • For those who passed the Building Cleaning Field Specified Skills Level 2 Evaluation Test, this document will be required.
                                                                • P0436:Copy of certificate of passing skill test level 1 (building cleaning)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                  • For those who passed the skill test level 1 (building cleaning), this document will be required.
                                                                • P0437:A copy of the certificate of suitability for work experience as a person managing a site issued by the National Building Maintenance Association, a public interest incorporated association(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                  • For those who passed the skill test level 1 (building cleaning), this document will be required.
                                                                • P0332:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the building cleaning field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • P0333:Building cleaning business registration certificate(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • P0334:Building environmental sanitation comprehensive management business registration certificate(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                  • P0335:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Building Cleaning Field established by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                    • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                  • Materials, industrial machinery, electrical and electronic information related manufacturing
                                                                  • P0438:A copy of the certificate of passing of the manufacturing field specific skill No. 2 evaluation test *Limited to the one according to the desired job classification.(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                    • For those who passed the manufacturing sector specific skill No. 2 evaluation test and business career test, this document will be required.
                                                                  • P0439:A copy of the certificate of passing the Business Career Exam Level 3 (Production Management Planning or Production Management Operation)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                    • For those who passed the manufacturing sector specific skill No. 2 evaluation test and business career test, this document will be required.
                                                                  • P0440:A copy of the certificate of passing the skill test level 1 *Limited to the one according to the desired work category.(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                    • For those who passed the skill test level 1, this document will be required.
                                                                  • P0441:Certificate related to the practical experience required for foreigners with specific skills No. 2 in the manufacturing industry related to materials, industrial machinery, and electrical/electronic information. Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                    • For those who passed the skill test level 1, this document will be required.
                                                                  • P0340:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the manufacturing industry related to materials, industrial machinery, and electrical/electronic information related industries Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                    • P0341:Certificate of membership in the Consultation and Liaison Committee for Accepting Foreign Human Resources with Specific Skills in the Manufacturing Industry, organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                      • Construction
                                                                      • P0442:A copy of the certificate of passing of the construction sector specific skill No. 2 evaluation test according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • Please submit either this document or P0443.
                                                                      • P0443:A copy of the certificate of passing the skill test level 1 according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • Please submit either this document or P0442.
                                                                      • P0444:A copy of the Level 3 competency evaluation (level judgment) result notification in the construction career advancement system according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • If the job type corresponding to the work category of the No. 2 Specified Skilled Foreigner is included in the ability evaluation standards of the construction career advancement system, this document will be required.
                                                                      • P0445:Declaration regarding work experience required for No. 2 specified skilled foreigners Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • It is also necessary to attach a copy of the technician information display screen in the construction career advancement system corresponding to the desired job category. Please refer to Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Homepage.
                                                                        • If the job type corresponding to the work category of the No. 2 Specified Skilled Foreigner is included in the ability evaluation standards of the construction career advancement system, this document will be required.
                                                                      • P0445:Declaration regarding work experience required for No. 2 specified skilled foreigners Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • It is also necessary to attach a copy of the technician information display screen in the construction career advancement system corresponding to the desired job category. Please refer to Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Homepage.
                                                                        • If the job type corresponding to the work category of the No. 2 Specified Skilled Foreigner is not included in the ability evaluation standards of the construction career advancement system, this document will be required.
                                                                      • P0445:Declaration regarding work experience required for No. 2 specified skilled foreigners Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • If the number of working days and work history are not accumulated in the construction career advancement system, this document will be required.
                                                                      • P0446:career certificate Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                        • If the number of working days and work history are not accumulated in the construction career advancement system, this document will be required.
                                                                      • P0345:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the construction field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                        • P0447:Written oath regarding the public and private institutions in Japan that will be the counterparty of the specified skill employment contract for foreigners with type 2 specified skills in the construction field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                          • P0448:Documents proving that permission under Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Construction Business Act (Act No. 100 of S.24) has been obtained.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                            • P0449:Documents that clarify the construction career advancement system application number or business ID of a person who wishes to become a specified skills affiliated organization (copy of postcard or email sent after registration)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                              • Shipbuilding/marine industry
                                                                              • P0450:A copy of the certificate of passing of the shipbuilding/marine industry specific skill No. 2 examination according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                • For those who passed the shipbuilding/marine industry specific skill No. 2 examination, this document will be required.
                                                                              • P0451:A copy of the certificate of passing the skill test level 1 according to the desired work category(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                • For those who passed the skill test level 1, this document will be required.
                                                                              • P0452:Certificate related to practical experience required for foreigners with specific skills No. 2 in the shipbuilding/marine industry field Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                • For those who passed the skill test level 1, this document will be required.
                                                                              • P0347:Confirmation letter for shipbuilding/marine industry business operator(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                              • P0348:Pledge regarding the acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the shipbuilding and marine industry field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                • P0349:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreign Personnel in the Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                  • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                • P0350:Pledge regarding acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the shipbuilding and marine industry field (registered support organization) Reference
                                                                                  • When entrusting the entire implementation of the No. 1 Specified Skilled Worker Support Plan to a registered support organization, this document will be required.
                                                                                • Car maintenance
                                                                                • P0453:Copy of passing certificate of automobile maintenance field specific skill No. 2 evaluation test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                • P0454:Copy of certificate of passing the 2nd grade automobile mechanic skill test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                • P0355:Pledge regarding the acceptance of specific skilled foreigners in the automobile maintenance field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                  • P0356:Certificate to obtain membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Automobile Maintenance Field(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                    • When accepting specific skilled foreigners for the first time in the automobile maintenance field, this document will be required.
                                                                                  • P0357:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Automobile Maintenance Field(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                    • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                  • Aviation
                                                                                  • P0455:Copy of certificate of passing of aviation field specific skill No. 2 evaluation test (airport ground handling)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                  • P0456:Copy of certificate of passing of aviation field specific skill No. 2 evaluation test (aircraft maintenance)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                  • P0457:Copy of Airman Competency Certificate(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                    • For those with an airman competency certificate(*Limited to aircraft maintenance work category.), this document will be required.
                                                                                  • P0458:Certificate related to practical experience required for aviation field No. 2 specific skill foreigners Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                    • For those with an airman competency certificate(*Limited to aircraft maintenance work category.), this document will be required.
                                                                                  • P0366:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the aviation field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                    • P0367:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners Related to the Aviation Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                    • Stay
                                                                                    • P0459:Copy of certificate of passing of Accommodation field specific skill No. 2 evaluation test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                    • P0372:Copy of inn business license (inn/hotel business license)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                    • P0373:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the accommodation field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • P0374:Certificate of being a member of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Accommodation Field established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (specific skill affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                      • Agriculture
                                                                                      • P0460:A copy of the certificate of passing the No. 2 agricultural skill measurement test (general cultivation agriculture)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                        • Please submit either this document or P0461.
                                                                                        • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                                                                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                                                      • P0461:A copy of the certificate of passing the No. 2 agricultural skill measurement test (general livestock farming)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                        • Please submit either this document or P0460.
                                                                                        • If the applicant has successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 (2 years and 10 months or more), this document will be required.
                                                                                        • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                                                      • P0380:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the agricultural field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • In the case of dispatch form, this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                      • P0381:Certificate of being a member of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Agricultural Field established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (specific skill affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                      • In the case of dispatch form
                                                                                      • P0383:Documents that confirm that you are engaged in agriculture or agriculture-related business
                                                                                        Examples: Articles of incorporation, registration certificate, securities report, farming certificate, cultivation certificate, slips related to shipment of agricultural and livestock products, etc. Copy of delivery note, financial documents, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • P0384:Documents clarifying capital investors
                                                                                        Example) Securities report, copy of shareholder list, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • P0385:Documents that can confirm that a local government employee is registered as an officer
                                                                                        Example) List of officers, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • P0386:Documents that confirm that you are substantially involved in business execution
                                                                                        Example; Business method manual, organizational structure chart, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • P0387:Copy of specific organization standards conformity notification(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • Please submit any of the materials from A to E depending on the requirements of the dispatching agency. Please submit either this document or P0388.
                                                                                        • E) If the dispatch source is a specific organization stipulated in the National Strategic Special Zones Act, this document will be required.
                                                                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(4)
                                                                                      • P0388:Documents that confirm that foreign agricultural support personnel have been properly dispatched
                                                                                        Examples: Copy of dispatch contract, copy of result report of on-site guidance/audit, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • Please submit any of the materials from A to E depending on the requirements of the dispatching agency. Please submit either this document or P0387.
                                                                                        • E) If the dispatch source is a specific organization stipulated in the National Strategic Special Zones Act, this document will be required.
                                                                                        • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(4)
                                                                                      • P0389:Written oath pertaining to an organization affiliated with specified skills that accepts specified skilled foreigners in the agricultural field in the form of dispatch Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • You will need the information from the dispatcher.
                                                                                      • P0390:Copy of worker dispatch business license(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                      • P0391:Dispatch plan Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                        • P0392:Copy of worker dispatch contract(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                          • P0393:Copy of employment conditions statement Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                            • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a corporation
                                                                                            • P0394:Overview of dispatch destination (agricultural field) (Note) If accepting in the agricultural field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                              • P0395:Dispatch company operator oath Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • You will need the information from the destination.
                                                                                              • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                                                                • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                              • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                                                                (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                              • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                                                                (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                              • P0306:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls
                                                                                                *If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion and there is no statement to that effect on the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of permission for grace of payment or the notification of permission of grace of conversion.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                              • P0307:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office (Part 3)
                                                                                                (Note 1) Tax items are “① Withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction” “② Corporate tax” “③ Consumption tax and local consumption tax”
                                                                                                (Note 2) ① "Withholding income tax' instead of "self-assessed income tax'
                                                                                                *If you are eligible for tax deferment or payment entrustment, please submit a tax payment certificate that states that this is applicable and information on the tax items for which you are unpaid. Submission of tax payment certificate (part 1) is required(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                              • P0308:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                                                                (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                              • P0309:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                                                                (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                                                                • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                              • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                                                              • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a sole proprietor
                                                                                              • P0394:Overview of dispatch destination (agricultural field) (Note) If accepting in the agricultural field Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0395:Dispatch company operator oath Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • You will need the information from the destination.
                                                                                                • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                                                                  • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                • P0312:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
                                                                                                  (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls (Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion, but there is no mention of this in the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, you will need to submit a copy of the Notice of Permission for Postponement.
                                                                                                  • For businesses covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                • P0313:Copy of National Health Insurance card of individual business owner
                                                                                                  (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0314:National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate for a sole proprietor
                                                                                                  (Note 1) If accepting for the first time, the most recent year's worth is required; if currently accepting, the most recent two years' worth is required
                                                                                                  (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0315:Copy of National Pension Insurance Premium Receipt Certificate of Individual Business Operator or Insured Person Record Inquiry (Payment II) (Insured Person Record Inquiry Response Sheet) 24 months worth is required.
                                                                                                  (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the basic pension number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0316:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office for a sole proprietor (part 3)(Note)
                                                                                                  Tax items are “① withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “② self-assessed income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “③ consumption tax and local consumption tax,” “④ inheritance tax,” and “⑤ gift tax.”(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0317:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                                                                  (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                  • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                • P0318:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                                                                  (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                  • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                                                                • Fishery
                                                                                                • P0462:Copy of certificate of passing the No. 2 Fishery Skills Measurement Test (Fishing)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                                  • Please submit either this document or P0463.
                                                                                                  • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                                                                • P0463:Copy of certificate of passing the No. 2 Fishery Skills Measurement Test (Aquaculture)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                                  • Please submit either this document or P0462.
                                                                                                  • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                                                                • P0464:Copy of certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N3 or above)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                                  • Please submit either this document or _proofs_.
                                                                                                  • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                                  • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                                                                • P0400:Copy of permit(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0401:Copy of license directive(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0402:A copy of any other official document that confirms that you are engaged in fishing or aquaculture with a permit or license.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0403:A copy of a document issued by the association that confirms that the association engages in fishing or aquaculture as part of its fishing rights.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0404:A copy of other documents that confirm that you belong to the association and engage in fishing or aquaculture.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0405:Copy of fishing boat record(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0406:Copy of fishing boat registration card(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                • P0407:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the fishing field (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • P0408:Certificate of being a member of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Fisheries Field established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (specific skill affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                    • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                                  • In the case of dispatch form
                                                                                                  • P0410:Documents that confirm that you are engaged in fishing or fishing-related business
                                                                                                    Examples: Articles of incorporation, certificate of registered matters, securities report, financial statements, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • P0384:Documents clarifying capital investors
                                                                                                    Example) Securities report, copy of shareholder list, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • P0385:Documents that can confirm that a local government employee is registered as an officer
                                                                                                    Example) List of officers, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • P0386:Documents that confirm that you are substantially involved in business execution
                                                                                                    Example; Business method manual, organizational structure chart, etc.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • P0390:Copy of worker dispatch business license(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                  • P0391:Dispatch plan Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                    • P0392:Copy of worker dispatch contract(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                      • P0393:Copy of employment conditions statement Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                        • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a corporation
                                                                                                        • P0411:Overview of dispatch destination (fisheries field)
                                                                                                          (Note) If accepting in the fisheries field(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                          • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                                                                            • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                          • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                                                                            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                            • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                          • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                                                                            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                            • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                          • P0306:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls
                                                                                                            *If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion and there is no statement to that effect on the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of permission for grace of payment or the notification of permission of grace of conversion.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                          • P0307:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office (Part 3)
                                                                                                            (Note 1) Tax items are “① Withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction” “② Corporate tax” “③ Consumption tax and local consumption tax”
                                                                                                            (Note 2) ① "Withholding income tax' instead of "self-assessed income tax'
                                                                                                            *If you are eligible for tax deferment or payment entrustment, please submit a tax payment certificate that states that this is applicable and information on the tax items for which you are unpaid. Submission of tax payment certificate (part 1) is required(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                          • P0308:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                                                                            (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                            • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                          • P0309:Certificate of corporate residence tax issued by municipality
                                                                                                            (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                            • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                                                                            • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                          • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                                                                          • In the case of dispatch form and the destination is a sole proprietor
                                                                                                          • P0411:Overview of dispatch destination (fisheries field)
                                                                                                            (Note) If accepting in the fisheries field(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • P0303:Labor insurance premium payment certificate (certification of non-payment)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you will need to submit documents proving that you are covered by private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance.
                                                                                                              • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                            • P0304:Copies of the labor insurance estimate/increase estimate/final insurance premium declaration form (employer copy) and the receipt (account transfer result notification postcard) corresponding to the declaration form
                                                                                                              (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                              • If the organization is currently accepting and has not outsourced the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                            • P0305:A copy of the labor insurance premium payment notification for the most recent two years issued by the Labor Insurance Affairs Association and a copy of the corresponding receipt (account transfer result notification postcard)
                                                                                                              (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • If you have lost the bank transfer result notification postcard, you can also use the "Notification of bank transfer results for labor insurance premiums, etc." issued by the prefectural labor bureau.If your business is not covered by labor insurance, you can apply for private insurance in place of workers' compensation insurance. You will be required to submit documents proving your membership.
                                                                                                              • If the organization is currently accepting and has been outsourcing the work to the Labor Insurance Administrative Association, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                            • P0312:Copy of social insurance premium payment status answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
                                                                                                              (Note) 24 months worth up to two months prior to the month in which the application date falls (Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • If you have received a grace period for payment or conversion, but there is no mention of this in the Social Insurance Premium Payment Status Inquiry Response Sheet, you will need to submit a copy of the Notice of Permission for Postponement.
                                                                                                              • For businesses covered by health insurance/employee pension insurance, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                            • P0313:Copy of National Health Insurance card of individual business owner
                                                                                                              (Note) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • P0314:National Health Insurance premium (tax) payment certificate for a sole proprietor
                                                                                                              (Note 1) If accepting for the first time, the most recent year's worth is required; if currently accepting, the most recent two years' worth is required
                                                                                                              (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the insurer number and insured person symbol/number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • P0315:Copy of National Pension Insurance Premium Receipt Certificate of Individual Business Operator or Insured Person Record Inquiry (Payment II) (Insured Person Record Inquiry Response Sheet) 24 months worth is required.
                                                                                                              (Note 2) The applicant must mask (black out) the basic pension number.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • P0316:Tax payment certificate issued by the tax office for a sole proprietor (part 3)(Note)
                                                                                                              Tax items are “① withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “② self-assessed income tax and special income tax for reconstruction,” “③ consumption tax and local consumption tax,” “④ inheritance tax,” and “⑤ gift tax.”(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                            • P0317:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                                                                              (Note) The most recent year is required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                              • If the organization is trying to accept for the first time, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                            • P0318:Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for personal residence tax for a sole proprietor
                                                                                                              (Note) The most recent two years are required.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • If tax relief measures (deferral of conversion, deferral of tax payment, or acceptance of payment) have been applied, and the tax payment certificate does not indicate that such measures have been applied, a copy of the notification regarding the application should be submitted.
                                                                                                              • If the organization is currently accepting, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(5)
                                                                                                            • P0310:Instructions for performance of public obligations Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • Submission is required if Note 5 is applied to any of the above documents
                                                                                                            • Food and beverage manufacturing industry
                                                                                                            • P0465:A copy of the certificate of passing of the food and beverage manufacturing industry specific skill No. 2 skill measurement test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                                              • For those who successfully completed Technical Intern Training No. 2, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • If the applicant's affiliated organization has accepted any applicant as a technical intern trainee, and the affiliated organization has not received an "improvement order" under the Technical Intern Training Act or "improvement guidance" under the old system within the past year , this document will NOT be required.
                                                                                                              • Submission can be omitted from past residence applications.Ref(1)
                                                                                                            • P0413:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the food and beverage manufacturing industry (specified skilled worker affiliated organization)(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • P0414:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, which is comprised of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, related industry (Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                                • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.
                                                                                                              • Food and beverage industry
                                                                                                              • P0466:Copy of certificate of passing of the foodservice industry specific skill No. 2 skill measurement test(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                                              • P0464:Copy of certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N3 or above)(Prepared by Applicant)
                                                                                                              • P0419:Copy of business license or notification form from the health center director(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • P0420:Statement of reasons for different addressees(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • P0421:A copy of the contract regarding food and beverage service operations at the business establishment with the person who owns or manages the property where the specified skilled foreigner will engage in work.(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                              • P0422:Pledge regarding acceptance of specified skilled foreigners in the restaurant industry (specified skilled worker affiliated organization) Reference(Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                                • P0414:Certificate of membership of the Council for Acceptance of Specified Skilled Foreigners in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, which is comprised of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, related industry (Prepared by Organization)
                                                                                                                  • If more than 4 months have passed since the first acceptance of the specified skilled foreign worker, this document will be required.

                                                                                                                When our office apply on behalf of foreign national, we will interview him/her with the following questions.

                                                                                                                • Were you engaged in activities consistent with your current status of residence?
                                                                                                                • Have you never been arrested or received any criminal penalties for violating the laws of our country? Or have you never done such an act?
                                                                                                                • Do you have National Health Insurance or Social Insurance? (Note) Failure to present your health insurance card will not disqualify you from changing your status of residence or extending your period of stay.
                                                                                                                • Is the applicant not a burden on the public in his or her daily life, and is the applicant expected to have a stable life in the future based on his or her assets or skills? (household unit)
                                                                                                                • Have you ever received a recommendation from a labor standards inspection agency for violating labor-related laws and regulations?
                                                                                                                • Are you fulfilling your tax obligations such as income tax and resident tax?
                                                                                                                • Are you fulfilling the notification obligations stipulated by the Immigration Control Act? (Notification regarding information on residence card, notification regarding affiliated organization, etc.)