Application for Certificate of Authorized Employment

What is Certificate of Authorized Employment?

When hiring a new foreigner who is already residing in Japan, the employer must check the residence card presented by the foreigner to determine whether the foreigner has a residence status that allows him or her to work.

However, the residence card only states the name of the residence status and whether or not he/she can work, but does not specifically state what activities he/she can do with the status of residence.

During job interviews, it would be helpful for both the employer and the foreign national to have a document that specifically shows the activities that the foreign national can perform.

This document is "Certificate of Authorized Employment". It is issued as a certificate by the Minister of Justice based on the application.

Legal effect of certificate

The procedure is prepared solely for the convenience of both employers and foreigners, and has no legal effect.The only proof that the foreign national has a residence status that allows him/her to work is through his/her residence card.

In addition, the law prohibits employers from rejecting foreign nationals by failing to present this certificate.

Should you ask for proof before or after changing jobs?

If the job had not been changed in the allowed period, the certificate is issued on the same day of application. From the perspective of a potential employer, he/she can quickly determine whether or not his/her company's work falls within the activities planned under the status of residence.

On the other hand, if he/she can prove that the foreign national can continue to work legally under the current status of residence after changing jobs, he/she and the foreign national can continue the employment relationship with peace of mind. However, if the job changed, it takes 1 to 3 months from application to issuance.

True Significance

In fact, the true significance of the procedure of applying for a certificate of employment status is "to get the Immigration Bureau effectively carried out the examination for the upcoming application for extension of period of stay, by promptly communicating the situation with the Immigration Bureau when there is a change of job".When the foreign national change his/her job during his/her period of stay and applies for permission to extend his/her period of stay, a "more strict" examination will be conducted in the same level as when applying for permission to change status of residence. With this in mind, it has the meaning of "preliminary examination application".

It is another advantage to be able to take measures in preparation for the timing of application for extension of period of stay, if the application is not granted.(Therefore, if the period of stay is approaching, there is no point in appying for certificate of authorized employment from this purpose.)

From application to issuance (conventional procedures)

Flow: From application to permit (conventional procedures)

The procedure for applying applying for certificate of authorized employment is explained below.

1.Application for Certificate of Authorized Employment

The applicant (foreigner himself/herself) submits the application form and required documents to the local office of the Immigration Services Agency that has jurisdiction over the applicant's place of residence.


Immigration officers at the Immigration Services Agency examine the submitted application form and attached documents to determine whether the certificate should be issued.

The examination usually takes 1 to 3 months when the job changed. Otherwise, it is issued within the day.

The viewpoints of examination are very detailed in the same level as application for change of status.

3.Notification of issuance/reject

As a result of the examination, a notification (postcard) is mailed to the applicant's address.

4.Payment of fees and receipt of certificate

The applicant receives a certificate by presenting the notification and the documents listed in the notification (residence card, etc.) and the procedure completes.

At this time, a fee of 1,200 yen need to be paid with revenue stamps.

Online Application

Flow: From application to entry (conventional procedures)

From April 2019, the Immigration Bureau released the online residence application system, making it possible to apply online. (Of course, you can still apply on paper.) The changes and benefits from the previous procedure are as follows.

1.Application for Certificate of Authorized Employment

Instead of filling out a paper application form, it is now possible to apply by entering information into the online residence application system. The biggest advantage is that there is no need to go to the local office of the Immigration Services Agency, and the costs of moving and waiting in line are eliminated.

3.Notification of issuance/reject

Notification of issuance/reject is sent to the applicant via email.

4.Payment of fees and receipt of certificate

By following the instructions in the email in step 3, the applicant mails the fee payment slip with revenue stamps for the prescribed fee, a stamped return envelope, a copy of his/her residence card to the Immigration Bureau, then a certificate is returned to him/her.

Our services

Flow: From application to entry (conventional procedures)

Nishiyama Immigration Service applies online to the Immigration Services Agency on behalf of the foreign national.

Applications are made using our unique system that utilizes the residence application online API released by the Immigration Services Agency in July 2020, so instead of inputting information into the residence application online system (via a browser), an Excel-based application template is used. The information you enter will be sent as electronic data.