Application for change of status of residence
Status of Residence:

Art Art
Overview by Immigration Services Agency

Music, art, literature, and other artistic activities that involve income (excluding those related to the “entertainer” status of residence)
Examples include composers, painters, and writers.

Period of Stay

5 years, 3 years, 1 year or 3 months

Documents to be submitted
  • P0001:Photo 1 leaf Reference(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit in jpg format (maximum size: 50Kb).
    • If the applicant is under 16 years of age, this document will NOT be required.
  • P0117:One document certifying the content, period, status, and remuneration of the activity(Prepared by Applicant)
    • When conducting activities based on a contract with a public or private institution or individual, this document will be required.
  • P0118:A document prepared by the applicant stating the details of the specific activity, its period, and the estimated amount of income generated from the activity (you may write in an appropriate format) as appropriate.(Prepared by Applicant)
    • When conducting activities not based on a contract with a public or private institution or individual, this document will be required.
  • P0119:One resume with detailed history of artistic activities(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit it as a document that clarifies your achievements in artistic activities.
  • P0120:a)1 letter of recommendation from a related organization(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit it as a document that clarifies your achievements in artistic activities. Please submit either this document or P0121,P0122,P0123,P0124.
  • P0121:b)Reports on past activities as appropriate(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit it as a document that clarifies your achievements in artistic activities. Please submit either this document or P0120,P0122,P0123,P0124.
  • P0122:c)Achievements of prizes, selections, etc. as appropriate(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit it as a document that clarifies your achievements in artistic activities. Please submit either this document or P0120,P0121,P0123,P0124.
  • P0123:d)Catalog of past works, etc. as appropriate(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit it as a document that clarifies your achievements in artistic activities. Please submit either this document or P0120,P0121,P0122,P0124.
  • P0124:e)Items corresponding to a to d above as appropriate(Prepared by Applicant)
    • Please submit it as a document that clarifies your achievements in artistic activities. Please submit either this document or P0120,P0121,P0122,P0123.

When our office apply on behalf of foreign national, we will interview him/her with the following questions.

  • Were you engaged in activities consistent with your current status of residence?
  • Have you never been arrested or received any criminal penalties for violating the laws of our country? Or have you never done such an act?
  • Do you have National Health Insurance or Social Insurance? (Note) Failure to present your health insurance card will not disqualify you from changing your status of residence or extending your period of stay.
  • Is the applicant not a burden on the public in his or her daily life, and is the applicant expected to have a stable life in the future based on his or her assets or skills? (household unit)
  • Have you ever received a recommendation from a labor standards inspection agency for violating labor-related laws and regulations?
  • Are you fulfilling your tax obligations such as income tax and resident tax?
  • Are you fulfilling the notification obligations stipulated by the Immigration Control Act? (Notification regarding information on residence card, notification regarding affiliated organization, etc.)